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- ■0100
- │ ƒ6 Solutions Solve for variables of chemical solutions. │
- The SOLUTIONS CALCULATOR is a pre-programmed calculator for dealing with
- the complex relationships of variables in chemical solutions. The
- calculator manipulates 17 solution variables and contains 52 pre-programmed
- equations. By permuting the equations and recalculating with one or more
- new values you can calculate any needed value to prepare solutions or to
- design a solution with specific parameters.
- Solvent values can be imported from the Solvent Guide. Solution values can
- be calculated for a dilution procedure by exchanging values with the
- Dilution Calculator.
- Press the up and down arrow keys to select an equation result (the value
- you wish to calculate). Use the left and right arrow keys to find the
- array of inputs matching your known parameters. The actual equation is
- displayed above the list of variables. The shorthand symbols used in the
- equation are displayed in the variable list.
- To start the "Solutions" chemical solutions calculator function from the
- main menu, press "S" or [ƒ6] or select with the highlight bar and press
- enter or with your mouse, double-click the menu line.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ■0805
- When you find the equation which you wish to solve, begin data entry by
- pressing [enter]. The first data field prompt will be displayed. Enter
- the value in the units indicated; press [enter] to accept each value. To
- enter a molecular weight, you can enter a numeric value or, if you wish,
- type the chemical formula. ü
- The Molecular Calculator is automatically called for formula entry in the
- molecular weight fields if you begin entry of a formula instead of entering
- a numeric value. α
- When all knowns of the equation have been supplied, the equation will be
- solved and the answer displayed in the left column.
- If you are missing a known value for the equation you wish to solve, solve
- first for that variable with another equation then, retaining that value,
- re-select your original equation and complete the solution.é
- You can redo an equation, retaining current values in any fields and
- substituting new values where desired. Press [enter] to restart data
- entry. Press [enter] again to accept and retain a current field or type in
- a new value.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ȟAutomatic Molecular Weight Calculation
- If you begin typing a formula, the molecular weight calculator function is
- activated. When you complete the formula by pressing [enter], the
- molecular weight is calculated and placed in the data field.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- »αThe Molecular Weight Calculator
- For more information about the Molecular Weight calculating function, press
- Y or click on YES to turn to the section of this guide covering the use of
- the Molecular Weight Calculator. Press or click anything else to close
- this link.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ȎChaining Equations
- If you discover that you do not have known values for all variables, click
- on the variable you are missing until you find an equation for that
- variable that you can solve. Then click on your original unknown to return
- to the equation using the newly calculated known value.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ■0810
- In spite of the complex relationship between the 52 equations contained in
- the Solutions Calculator, it is extremely simple to use.
- Select your equation by first finding your unknown variable, then choose
- the formula which solves for it, input your knowns and the result is
- calculated immediately.
- ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════╗
- ║ up/down arrows select the result ║ ü Select the desired
- ║ left/right arrows select knowns ║ é equation.
- ║ [enter] begin data input ║ â Enter known values.
- ║ pgup/pgdn permute the equation ║ ä Re-arrange equation.
- ║ [ins] reveal all current values ║ à See all current data.
- ║ [del] erase all current values ║ å Start over.
- ║ [alt∙ƒ5] print report ║ α Print or save.
- ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════╝
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ȟSelect The Results
- Using the up and down arrow keys or by clicking on the variable with your
- mouse, highlight the unknown for which you wish to solve.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ȎSelect Knowns
- With the left and right arrow keys, or by clicking on the highlighted
- unknown, examine the available equations to find the one for which you can
- supply all known values. If you are missing a known value, see the
- technique for chaining as explained on the previous page.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ȉInput Data
- Press [enter] to begin prompting for the known values of an equation. The
- values will be prompted in order and when they all have been entered the
- equation will be solved. You can repeat the value entry as you wish,
- changing values as desired or even permuting to solve for a different
- unknown.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ȊPermuting An Equation
- You can permute an equation, either before or after solving it, by pressing
- [PgUp] and [PgDn]. Permute a solved equation, entering alternate values
- where desired. The currently selected unknown will be calculated when all
- knowns are either accepted or altered.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ȈReveal All Values
- Existing values are retained when you select a new equation. That a
- parameter contains a value is shown by an asterisk in the far right column.
- When you accept a new equation and begin data entry, compatible values are
- retained. Values incompatible with the new equation relationships are
- erased. To reveal the actual value of these carry-overs, press the insert
- key.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ȌDelete All Values
- To erase all current values and begin a new equation with no carry-over
- values, press the delete key.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- »αThe Report Utility
- ≈1310 ÷IS_INTRO.ISD
- To export a report of the calculated solution to a file or printer, press
- [@ƒ5]. An input window will open. To learn more about the report
- generator, press Y or click on YES to turn to that section. Press any
- other key to close this link.
- _______________________________________________________________________________
- ■5805
- The Solutions Calculator screen is divided into an upper and lower section.
- The upper section contains instructions and, just above the dividing line,
- the current equation formula. The lower section lists the seventeen
- parameters of a chemical solution used in the equations which the solutions
- calculator solves.
- The unknown is the value for which the equation will solve. The solution
- parameters are grouped as properties of the solution, the solvent and the
- solute. Use the up and down arrow keys to move the unknown selector bar or
- click on the desired unknown with your mouse.
- ~
- ~> As an example, press the down arrow key until solution density is <
- ~> selected as the unknown. <
- After selecting the value for which to solve, choose the equation
- consisting of known properties for which you have values by pressing the
- left and right arrow keys or clicking on the selected unknown. Some
- unknowns have only a single equation available, but most have several.
- Click or press until the set of knowns you can supply is highlighted. As
- the knowns are highlighted, the equation is displayed just above the
- section line. The symbols used in the equation are also shown next to the
- selected knowns and unknown.
- ~
- ~> To continue our example; press the left or right arrow keys until <
- ~> solution volume, solute percent and solute mass are selected as the <
- ~> knowns. <
- When you have selected a formula, enter the known values. Begin data entry
- by pressing [enter] to reveal the first data prompt, or just begin data entry
- from the keyboard.
- ~
- ~> In our example, you know that the solution volume is 625 ml, the <
- ~> mass of solute is 453 grams, and by previous calculation you know <
- ~> that the percent of solute is 60. Begin known data entry by keying <
- ~> in the value 625 followed by [enter]. At the prompt for the next <
- ~> two knowns, key in their values. <
- Equations are solved automatically once all knowns have a value. If you
- skip the entering of a value, you will return to the first value prompt.
- ~
- ~> In our example, once you have entered the values or 625 ml for <
- ~> volume, 60 percent for solute percent and 453 grams for mass of <
- ~> solute, the equation is solved for you and the resulting density of <
- ~> 1.208 is displayed. <
- You can easily use values from one equation in solving another. Both
- entered knowns and calculated unknowns as well as calculated intermediate
- values are retained until cleared. The variables which currently have
- values are noted by an asterisk at the far right edge of the screen. Select
- a new equation and begin data entry by pressing [enter]. Existing values
- are displayed at the prompt. Use the existing values by pressing enter.
- ~
- ~> For our example problem, use the up arrow to select molarity as the <
- ~> unknown for which to solve, then press the left or right arrow key <
- ~> until the knowns density, percent solute and solute molecular weight <
- ~> are selected. Since density and percent solute already contain <
- ~> values, press [enter] at the prompts to accept them. Enter 180.1577 <
- ~> as the molecular weight and the molarity value of 4.0231 will be <
- ~> calculated. <
- When the equation calls for the molecular weight of the solute or solvent,
- you can automatically link to the molecular weight function. When prompted
- for the molecular weight, instead of entering a numeric value, simply enter
- the formula of the substance.
- ~
- ~> Repeat the previous calculation, but when you get to the molecular <
- ~> weight prompt, instead of keying in a value or accepting the <
- ~> existing value, key in the formula C6H12O6. As you begin entering <
- ~> the molecular formula instead of a numeric value, a window to the <
- ~> Molecular weight calculator opens and accepts your formula entry. <
- ~> When you conclude the formula entry, the molecular weight is <
- ~> calculated and placed in the corresponding entry field. It should <
- ~> now be obvious that we've been "fudging" with this example! <
- It is easy to recalculate an equation while changing only one or more of
- the values. This allows "what if" calculations or corrections to be made
- with ease.
- ~
- ~> Suppose, for instance, that in the example, the measured density of <
- ~> our fudge, when ready to eat, turns out to be 1.26. You could <
- ~> recalculate the molarity by substituting the new value for density <
- ~> while retaining the other values and determine that the final <
- ~> molarity of the fudge is 4.1963. <
- Either before or after calculating the unknown value of an equation or
- entering any of the knowns, you can permute the equation. Press [pgup] or
- [pgdn] to rearrange an equation into the desired permutation.
- During a calculation sequence, as the various equations are solved to
- arrive at the selected unknown, various intermediate values are calculated
- and stored. An asterisk in the right-most column of the variables window
- indicates that their is a value for that variable. Press [ins], the insert
- key to reveal all current values.
- Solution volume and percent can be exchanged with the dilution calculator.
- See the instructions for the dilution calculator for an explanation.
- Use the [alt-ƒ5] report function to send a report of the current equation
- and values to a printer port or to a file. If the equation variable have
- been supplied with some or all knowns or the unknown has been calculated,
- those values will be included in the report. If values are empty, the
- report will show blanks in their place, thus a printed report can be used
- as an entry form. Jot down values in the lab then return to the calculator
- to perform the calculations.
- To delete all current values and begin a new solutions problem, press
- [delete]. All calculated and entered values will be erased, but the
- equation selection is unchanged.
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ■0815
- The Solutions Calculator accepts input values or calculates
- the values of: ┌─ molarity ü
- │ molality é
- solution ┤ normality â
- │ mass in grams ä
- │ density à
- └─ volume in ml å
- ┌─ equivalent weight ç
- │ number of equivalents ê
- │ percent in solution by weight ë
- solute ┤ valence è
- │ molecular weight ï
- │ mass in grams î
- │ moles ì
- └─ molar fraction Ä
- ┌─ molecular weight Å
- solvent ┤ mass in grams É
- └─ moles æ
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ȟsolution molarity
- number of moles of solute per liter of solution.
- Abbreviated in formulas: sln_mlrty
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Ȏsolution molality
- The number of moles of solute per kilogram of solvent.
- Abbreviated in formulas: sln_mllty
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ȉsolution normality
- The number of equivalents of solute per liter of solution.
- Abbreviated in formulas: sln_nrmty
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Ȋsolution mass in grams
- The total mass of the solution expressed in grams.
- Abbreviated in formulas: sln_grams
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Ȉsolution density
- The solution mass in grams divided by volume in milliliters.
- Abbreviated in formulas: sln_denst
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Ȍsolution volume in ml
- The total volume of the solution.
- Abbreviated in formulas: sln_volml
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ȍsolute equivalent weight
- The gram molecular mass of solute divided by the number of solute
- reaction units.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slt_eqwgt
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Ȑsolute number of equivalents
- The number of reaction units per solute molecule.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slt_eqnum
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ȑ%solute in solution by weight
- The percent of solute in solution by weight.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slt_pccon
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ȏsolute valence
- The number of equivalents per mole of solute.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slt_valnc
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ȕsolute molecular weight
- The molecular weight of the solute compound.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slt_molwt
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Ȕsolute mass in grams
- The mass of the solute in solution in grams.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slt_grams
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ȓsolute moles
- The amount of solute relative to the amount containing the same number
- of molecules as in 12 grams of Carbon 12.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slt_moles
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Ȁsolute molar fraction
- The moles of solute divided by the sum of moles of solute & moles
- of solvent.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slt_molfr
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ȁsolvent molecular weight
- The molecular weight of the solvent compound.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slv_molwt
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- ȃsolvent mass in grams
- The mass of the solvent in solution expressed in grams.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slv_grams
- ______________________________________________________________________________
- Ⱦsolvent moles
- The amount of solvent molecules relative to the molar standard 12
- grams of Carbon 12.
- Abbreviated in formulas: slv_moles
- ________________________________________________________________________________
- ■■